GAD Gate to Chinatown

The Canal Street Triangle embodies interaction, motion, multifaceted-ness, and unity.
Situated at the crossing of three streets, the Canal Street Triangle embodies interaction, motion, multifaceted-ness, and unity. We have proposed a solution to the Gateways to Chinatown that equally applies these notions. Unlike some other monuments or portals, this site lacks a singular or overwhelmingly axial approach. The Gateway must present interest, excitement, and recognition equally from all directions. The Gateway will be iconic and recognizable, but through perfect use of harmony—solid balancing with void, enclosure balancing with exposure—it will be so tied to the cultural and architectural landscape of Chinatown that it will not become merely an object. Like the seeming opposing forces of feminine and masculine, the Gateway represents the seeming opposing concepts of motion and stillness.
GAD Foundation works to positively affect practice and theory in architecture and urbanism with a focus on education, society and their intersection with architecture and urbanism.